Kabbage UCC Lien Enforcement: Understand Your Rights

Kabbage UCC Lien Enforcement

Last updated on January 18th, 2024 at 07:46 pm

As a small business owner, you may need to secure financing to grow your company. One option is to take out a loan with Kabbage, an online financial technology company that provides small business loans. However, if you default on the loan, Kabbage may enforce a UCC lien on your business assets.

In this article, we will explain what UCC liens are, how Kabbage uses them in lending, and what happens in the UCC lien enforcement process. We will also discuss how you can avoid UCC lien enforcement, negotiate with Kabbage, and your legal rights as a borrower.

Kabbage UCC Lien Enforcement: Understand Your Rights.

Hello friends, welcome to our blog Kabbage Loan Guide. As you all know we give various types of information related to Kabbage Loan on this blog. In the previous article, we told you that How does Kabbage determine loan amount in 2023. Today in this article we are going to talk about What is Kabbage UCC Lien Enforcement. So friends, let’s start the article.

But before starting the article, there are some other questions related to Kabbage UCC Lien Enforcement, whose answers we are going to give in this article. Some of which we have given below.

Related Points.

  • What is UCC liens and their role in business financing?
  • What is Kabbage and how does it use UCC liens in lending?
  • The process of UCC lien enforcement by Kabbage.
  • Can Kabbage enforce a UCC lien without my consent?
  • How to avoid UCC lien enforcement by Kabbage?
  • Negotiating with Kabbage to prevent UCC lien enforcement.
  • Legal rights of borrowers in Kabbage UCC lien enforcement cases.

What are UCC liens and their role in business financing?

A UCC lien is a legal claim that a lender can make against a borrower’s assets as collateral for a loan. UCC stands for “Uniform Commercial Code,” which is a set of laws that govern commercial transactions in the United States.

UCC liens can be placed on various types of business assets, such as accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, and real estate. The purpose of UCC liens is to secure a lender’s interest in the assets in case the borrower defaults on the loan.

What is Kabbage and how does it use UCC liens in lending?

Kabbage is an online financial technology company that provides small business loans. The company offers loans ranging from $500 to $250,000, with repayment terms of 6, 12, or 18 months. Kabbage uses UCC liens to secure its loans by placing a legal claim on a borrower’s business assets.

This means that if you default on a Kabbage loan, the company can enforce its UCC lien. And seize your business assets to repay the outstanding loan balance.

The process of UCC lien enforcement by Kabbage.

The process of UCC lien enforcement by Kabbage
The process of UCC lien enforcement by Kabbage

If you default on a Kabbage loan and the company decides to enforce its UCC lien, the process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Kabbage will send you a notice of default, informing you that you have missed payments and that the loan is in default.
  2. Kabbage will file a UCC-1 financing statement with the state where your business is located. This statement indicates that Kabbage has a legal claim on your business assets.
  3. Kabbage may send you a notice of intent to sell, informing you that it intends to sell your business assets to repay the loan balance.
  4. Kabbage may sell your business assets at a public auction or private sale to recover the outstanding loan balance.

Can Kabbage enforce a UCC lien without my consent?

Yes, Kabbage can enforce a UCC lien without your consent if you default on the loan. When you signed the loan agreement with Kabbage, you agreed to the terms and conditions, which include the use of UCC liens as collateral for the loan. In October 2023, If you default on the loan, Kabbage has the right to enforce its UCC lien and seize your business assets.

How to avoid UCC lien enforcement by Kabbage?

To avoid UCC lien enforcement by Kabbage, it is essential to make your loan payments on time. If you encounter financial difficulties, communicate with Kabbage as soon as possible.

The company may be able to work with you to modify the loan terms or create a repayment plan that fits your budget. If you have concerns about UCC liens. you may want to consider other financing options that do not involve placing a legal claim on your business assets.

Negotiating with Kabbage to prevent UCC lien enforcement.

If you receive a notice of default or intent to sell from Kabbage. you may want to negotiate with the company to prevent UCC lien enforcement. You can discuss repayment options or loan modifications with Kabbage and try to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Keep in mind that Kabbage may be willing to negotiate if it believes that it will recover more of the outstanding loan balance through negotiation than through the enforcement of a UCC lien.

Legal rights of borrowers in Kabbage UCC lien enforcement cases.

Legal rights of borrowers in Kabbage UCC lien enforcement cases
Legal rights of borrowers in Kabbage UCC lien enforcement cases

In Kabbage UCC lien enforcement cases, borrowers do possess legal rights and avenues for defence. It’s important to understand and assert these rights to ensure a fair and just resolution. Here are three essential steps to help you in this process:

  1. Respond to the Lawsuit: When you receive a lawsuit from Kabbage, it’s crucial to respond promptly. Failure to respond could result in an automatic judgment against you. Carefully review the lawsuit documents, and ensure that you submit a timely response to the court, indicating your intent to contest the case.
  2. Challenge Kabbage’s Legal Right to Sue: You have the right to challenge Kabbage’s legal standing to bring the lawsuit against you. To do this, you may want to scrutinize the loan agreement, promissory note, or any related documentation to identify any potential irregularities or discrepancies. If Kabbage’s ownership of the debt is in question, it can significantly impact the case.
  3. File Your Answer in Court and Notify Relevant Parties: After responding to the lawsuit, it’s essential to prepare and file your formal answer with the court. This answer should outline your defences and counterclaims if applicable. Additionally, it’s crucial to send a copy of your response to Kabbage’s representatives, in this case, Lincoln and Morgan, to maintain proper communication throughout the legal proceedings.


UCC liens are a common form of collateral for small business loans. and Kabbage uses UCC liens to secure its loans. If you default on a Kabbage loan, the company may enforce its UCC lien and seize your business assets. To avoid UCC lien enforcement, it is important to make your loan payments on time and communicate with Kabbage if you encounter financial difficulties.

If you receive a notice of default or intent to sell. you may want to negotiate with Kabbage to prevent UCC lien enforcement. And if you believe that your legal rights have been violated, you can challenge Kabbage’s UCC lien enforcement in court.


Kabbage is an online financial technology company that provides small business loans.

If you default on a Kabbage loan, the company can enforce its UCC lien and seize your business assets to repay the outstanding loan balance.

Yes, you can try to negotiate with Kabbage to avoid UCC lien enforcement by discussing repayment options or loan modifications.

Kabbage UCC liens can be enforced on a range of business assets, such as accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, and real estate.

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