How to find routing number PNC app: Right way to find

How to find routing number PNC app
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Last updated on October 30th, 2024 at 01:15 pm

Routing numbers are essential in identifying financial institutions and enabling smooth banking transactions, such as direct deposits and wire transfers. For PNC Bank customers, knowing how to find routing number PNC app is crucial for managing these tasks effortlessly. In this article, we’ll break down what routing numbers are, why they’re important, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to finding the routing number on the PNC app for a hassle-free banking experience.

What is the Routing Number of PNC Bank?

What is Routing Number PNC

A routing number is a unique nine-digit code the American Bankers Association assigns to financial institutions. It acts as an identifier for transactions, directing funds accurately to the intended destination. For PNC Bank, routing numbers are essential for various transactions, including direct deposits, wire transfers, and electronic payments.

The Importance of Routing Numbers in Banking

Routing numbers serve as virtual addresses for banks. They are used to facilitate a wide range of transactions, such as:

Are All PNC Routing Numbers the Same?

No, PNC Bank has multiple routing numbers, each associated with specific locations or branches. The routing number you need depends on where you initially opened your account. It’s crucial to use the correct routing number for your transactions to ensure seamless and accurate fund transfers.

How to Find Routing Number PNC App?

When PNC Bank gives you all the necessary documents, it also includes the routing number of that bank branch. But still, if you want to find your routing number from the PNC app then follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Open the PNC App
Start by opening the PNC mobile app on your phone. Enter your User ID and Password, then click “Sign In,” as shown in the image.

Find Routing Number PNC App step 1

Step 2: Go to Your Account Balance
Once you’re signed in, the main app interface will appear, displaying your available balance and other details. Click on “Available Balance” to access more options, as shown in the image.

Find Routing Number PNC App step 2

Step 3: Select Account Actions
After clicking on your available balance, you’ll see details about all your account balances. Scroll down until you see the “Account Actions” button, then click it, as shown in the image.

Find Routing Number PNC App step 3

Step 4: Choose ‘Account and Routing Numbers’
In the “Account Actions” menu, look for the option that says “Account and Routing Numbers.” Click this option to proceed, as shown in the image.

Find Routing Number PNC App step 4

Step 5: Complete Verification
Since routing numbers are private information, PNC requires quick verification. Enter your phone number, then click “Submit.” You’ll receive a verification code on your phone, which you’ll need to enter on the next screen before clicking “Next,” as shown in the image.

Find Routing Number PNC App step 5

Step 6: View Your Routing Number
After completing the verification, your routing number, account number, and wire transfer information will appear on your screen. This final screen will display all the information you need, as shown in the image.

Find Routing Number PNC App step 6

By following these six easy steps, you can quickly locate your routing number within the PNC app!

Do Different PNC Branches Have Different Routing Numbers?

Yes, different PNC branches can have different routing numbers. The routing number associated with your PNC Bank account is based on the location where you originally opened the account. Since PNC Bank has a wide network of branches across various states and regions, each branch might have its own specific routing number.

Can I Use the Same PNC Routing Number for All Transactions?

Yes, you can generally use the same PNC routing number for most transactions, as long as it’s the correct routing number associated with your account. The routing number is used to identify PNC Bank as the financial institution in various transactions, including direct deposits, wire transfers, automatic payments, online bill payments, and more.

It’s important to note that PNC Bank may have different routing numbers for different types of transactions or different regions. For example, there might be separate routing numbers for wire transfers and ACH transactions. Additionally, PNC Bank has multiple routing numbers based on the location where you opened your account, which could vary by state or region.

PNC Routing Number List

Here are some PNC routing numbers for various states:

PNC Routing Number List

State PNC Routing Number
Alabama 43000096
Delaware 31100089
Florida 043002900, 267084199
Georgia 053100850, 061192630, 043002900, 061119639
Illinois 71921891
Indiana 43000096, 083009060, 083000108, 071921891
Kentucky 83000108
Maryland 54000030
Michigan 41000124
Missouri 71921891
New Jersey 31207607
North Carolina 43000096
Ohio 042000398, 041000124
Youngstown, Ohio 043000096
Central North PA 43000096
Central South PA 31312738
Northeast PA 31300012
Northwest PA 43300738
Philadelphia, PA 31000053
Pittsburgh, PA 43000096
South Carolina 053100850
Virginia 54000030
Washington, D.C. 54000030
West Virginia 271971560
Wisconsin 71921891

Please note that PNC Bank has different routing numbers for different states and regions, so it’s important to ensure you’re using the correct routing number based on your specific location and account needs.

Does PNC Have Multiple Routing Numbers?

Yes, PNC Bank has multiple routing numbers. The specific routing number you need depends on the location where you opened your account and the type of transaction you are conducting. PNC Bank operates in various states and regions, and each location may have a different routing number.

How Many Digits is a PNC Routing Number?

A PNC routing number consists of nine digits. These nine digits are used to uniquely identify PNC Bank and its various branches for routing purposes in financial transactions such as direct deposits, wire transfers, and online payments.1 It’s important to ensure the accuracy of the routing number when conducting transactions to avoid any errors in processing.

PNC Routing Number Virginia.

The PNC Bank routing number for Virginia is 054000030. This routing number is used for various transactions within Virginia, including direct deposits, electronic payments, and wire transfers. However, it’s always a good idea to confirm your routing number by checking your PNC app or contacting PNC customer service, as routing numbers can vary based on the specific region and type of transaction.

PNC Routing Number Ohio

In Ohio, PNC offers different routing numbers based on specific regions:

  • Central North Ohio: 042000398
  • Central South Ohio: 041000124
  • Youngstown, Ohio: 043000096

PNC Routing Number Pennsylvania

PNC Bank has several routing numbers for different regions in Pennsylvania:

  • Central North Pennsylvania: 43000096
  • Central South Pennsylvania: 31312738
  • Northeast Pennsylvania: 31300012
  • Northwest Pennsylvania: 43300738
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 31000053
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 43000096

PNC Routing Number Washington, D.C.

The PNC routing number for Washington, D.C. is 54000030. This routing number is specific to PNC Bank branches located in the District of Columbia. It is used for various transactions, including direct deposits, wire transfers, online payments, and other electronic transactions that require routing number verification.

If you have an account with PNC Bank in Washington, D.C., you would use this routing number when providing your account details for any relevant transactions.


Finding your PNC Bank routing number is simple with the steps outlined in this guide. Using the correct routing number is essential for secure and accurate transactions, whether you’re setting up direct deposits, online payments, or wire transfers. Always verify your routing number in the PNC app or through customer service to ensure a hassle-free banking experience.


Yes, you can use the same routing number for different types of transactions, such as direct deposits and online bill payments.

Yes, PNC branches in different states may have different routing numbers, but the routing number remains the same for a particular branch's location.

Thanks for your visit.

(How to find routing number PNC app?: Complete Guide)

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice. For accurate details, please consult PNC Bank directly or refer to their official resources.

  1. PNC []

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